The Centre for Biomedical Science Research is a scientific unit of the Precious Corner Stone University in Ibadan, Nigeria. The Centre for Biomedical Science Research consists of a diverse group of biomedical researchers working in various areas relating to human diseases and wellbeing. The centre is a multidisciplinary one and expertise within the group covers a broad range of disciplines including molecular biology, computational biology/bioinformatics, yeast genetics, biochemistry and biophysics, virology, microbiology and antimicrobials, toxicology, and DNA repair. It also encompasses the perturbations caused by zoonotic and pathogenic microbes on human and animal health. Principal investigators in the group have a wide network of well-established collaborations with researchers within and outside the country. The centre is committed to making key scientific advances in the fields of biomedicine, nanotechnology, and biotechnology.

Our mission is to carry out excellent basic underpinning research in the area of biomedical sciences and to facilitate strong collaborative links in order to solve various humanity problems.


Food Microbiology



Infectious Diseases

Genomics and Bioinformatics


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