ICT Centre

Welcome to the Official web page of University’s Information and Communication Technology Centre.

The Information & Communication Technology Centre is saddled with the responsibility of an effective coordination, acquisition, allocation, utilization and ensuring the effective management of the university’s information and communication technology (ICT) related resources to promote and aid the achievement of the University’s goal and objectives.

Should you have any suggestions or complaints in contribution towards the enhancement and achievement of our goal and objectives, please kindly contact us at the Librarian.

Ag. Head.

Mission Statement

To provide seamless and effective coordination, acquisition, allocation, utilization and ensuring the effective management of the university’s information and communication technology (ICT) related resources to promote, aid and support the achievement of the University’s goal and objectives.



1. Dr. Adeyemi Francis ( Director of Academic Planning

2. Mr ADETIPE Muyiwa ( ICT Administrator)
